A Unique Way to Visualize Your Life

A football field can provide perspective

Paul JD
3 min readAug 15, 2024


overhead view of an American football field
Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

I did some running during my teens, inspired by my dad, who was devoted to exercise and nutrition. I was never very good at it, nor was it one of my favorite activities, but it was a nice way to spend time with my dad. I loved our breathless chats about life as we conquered our favorite 3-mile loop by the shore.

About 10 years ago, looking for a way to reduce stress and anxiety, I began running again. The passage of time, along with inconsistent exercise habits, made a mile feel like a marathon. To lessen my suffering, I swapped scenery and hills for the local high school track.

The high school track encircled an American football field. The field was always well-maintained, with white yard lines clearly visible over the bright green turf.

The high school track had the primary advantage of being flat, but it was also where my children were attending school at the time. I especially enjoyed the third turn of the track, hoping to get a glimpse of my son or daughter rushing to their next class.

While my body was still rejecting my running aspirations, my watch became my enemy. I would obsessively monitor elapsed time and distance as if I could somehow influence…

